Wednesday 28 June 2023

A new toy

Following the visit to Ladderland, aka Honey Bros., noticed at reference 1, I have now taken delivery of my fine new tripod ladder from Hendon Ladders and had a play with it. The two step side legs end up about four feet apart so much steadier than regular steps and I doubt whether I am ever going to feel the need to tie it in to whatever it is that I am trimming or cutting back. Solid as a rock even.

Three legs rather than four means that while it might not be quite vertical, it is not going to wobble.

All three legs are adjustable, so it can cope with sloping ground which would be awkward and/or unsafe with regular steps. Rubber feet to fit inside the claw feet when on hard ground or concrete.

Aluminium, so it is a lot lighter than it looks.

A down side is that it takes longer to get it up and down and it takes up rather more storage space.

I did wonder about whether I should have got the next size up, but having had a go, I think that this one is quite high enough for my comfort and quite high enough for nearly all, if not all, our various bushes and hedges. And quite high enough for the garage.

Verdict good - but dear - say something between the price of a Lego bulldozer and that of a Lego mobile crane. So for a toy for Dad, not too bad at all.

PS: OneDrive got in a bit of a muddle with the file name of the snap above, confusing it with that of a file at the other end of the folder. A relative of its reasonably frequent muddle when you click on 'next' on a snap near but not at the end of the folder and it jumps back to the beginning, skipping over the last few snaps.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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