Friday 16 June 2023

Fake 161

A slightly less pretentious fake than the last one at reference 1. This one from the top of the Bullingdon rank at Waterloo Station. Otherwise Cab Road, which had had the rather grander name of 'Upper Taxi Road' a year ago, as noticed at reference 2.

I think the brain computed fake more or less instantly on this occasion, but I imagine one might be taken in for a few seconds on a winter evening, when the light was down and the time was about right. Neatly but not that recently executed - and odd that I had not noticed it before.

Later on, this flier from the Texas Mesquite Grill on the northwestern outskirts of Houston, noticed in these pages from time to time. First point, I assume that the right hand slab is the three quail. I had not thought that they were as small as that. Second point, it all looks very flavourful with a great deal of what looks like sticky brown goo. Not to mention the mystery yellow liquid. I think I might have trouble getting through such a plate full. Might get on better if I had some fresh white bread to damp it down with; a sort of Houston version of our own bacon sandwich. But I don't suppose that the bread on offer there is up to much - and might even be made with something exotic like maize, rather than with wheat, as is proper.

PS 1: Google's Bard tells me that the price amounts to around £25 in real money. Curiously, while he has got the exchange rate about right, the sum is fairly wrong, with the Microsoft calculator making the answer around £21.80. When challenged, Bard acknowledges the error and apologises. A pity that it is not yet to be trusted, as it is a more convenient way of getting such answers than finding an exchange rate site and doing the sum oneself.

PS 2: a correspondent showed me a neat piece from the New York Times about how these things work at reference 4. But Bing fails to turn up a freebie and Google does even worse. The NYT has clearly done a thorough job on protecting their content from free-loaders. On the other hand, I have been prompted to take up their introductory offer on online access. And even their regular price is a good deal less than the FT charges me. We shall see how I get on.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: Watch an A.I. learn to write by reading nothing but 'Harry Potter' - Aatish Bhatia, New York Times - 2023.

Group search key: fakesk.

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