Friday 23 June 2023

Outgoing Lord Mayor

It is odd that I have to take the New York Times to read this morning that the outgoing Lord Mayor of Westminster, Hamza Taouzzale, scored two firsts in that he was the youngest person and the first Muslim to hold the office. He was just 22 when when his year started last June. Forty years since the first lady took office in 1983. The Mayor is also the deputy High Steward of Westminster Abbey, which appears to have worked out OK, with tact on both sides.

[Mr. Taouzzale in the Lisson Green Estate in North Westminster, where he grew up and still lives. Credit: Andrew Testa for The New York Times]

I had thought that Westminster had teamed up with Camden to the north for most purposes, but as far as I can see from Wikipedia, they are two independent London Boroughs, with the very much smaller City of London to the east. Along with places like Islington and Tower Hamlets.

The once seedy Pimlico is to be found in the south of the borough of Westminster, while Paddington to the northwest has yet to be properly gentrified. While I used to buy both cheese and smoked haddock in Tachbrook from the street market there. Both rather good.


Reference 1: The Saturday profile: As Lord Mayor, a 22-Year-Old Vaulted From Public Housing Into London’s Elite -  Saskia Solomon, New York Times - 2023.

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