Friday 9 June 2023

Bard two

Continuing to play with Bard this morning, I was asking it about the salt and vinegar flavour combination. To which it gave quite reasonable answers, but I got irritated by its spelling 'flavour' the American way. Not unreasonable but irritating - and my version of Microsoft Word doesn't stand for it.

So 'why do you spell flavour without a 'u'' elicited a helpful reply, but one which ended 'it is important to note that there are many exceptions to these rules, and there are some words that are spelled differently in both American English and British English. For example, the word "aluminum" is spelled with a "u" in the United States, but without a "u" in Britain'.

So your apparently thoughtful conversation is punctuated with crude errors, which is not good for trust. I wonder what is going on here?

PS: Google's Bard seems to have rather taken over the bard landscape and to get to the original bard I had to qualify my search with 'wales'. Then reading the Wikipedia entry at reference 2, I thought that perhaps some management type at Google actually had a sense of humour.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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