Wednesday 18 May 2022

A visit to Aldi

Lidl might have their UK headquarters at the start of Jubilee Way, invisible top right in the snap above, but Aldi have the shop at the start of Ruxley Lane, a few hundred yards away.

And this morning I paid my first visit, buying oranges, runner beans from Morocco and Jersey potatoes. Taken a bit more than an hour ago with some Craster kippers from Waitrose. Very good they all were too, even if the clientèle of the shop was not quite what one might expect in the aforementioned Waitrose in Epsom proper.

The beans were a bit paler than the English variety, with a bit less flavour. On the other hand, they had no strings and were not full of indigestible cellulose.

Potatoes good, although I have no idea whether they actually come from Jersey. Did these particular islanders manage to protect the name? Plenty of lawyers there who could probably sort that sort of trivia out during their morning coffee break, break that is from talking with their colleagues in the British Virgin Islands and such like places. Do they bother to scramble their phone lines, just to be on the safe side?

Kippers also good. Perhaps better for not having had them for a while, the last ones having been a bit dry and strongly flavoured. These ones soft, damp and succulent. Why is it that foodie restaurants don't serve them? They are pretty cheap and they could get away with a whopping mark up. The often passed but yet to be visited place featured at reference 1?

PS: given the week's break and the warm weather, I thought I noticed the extra weight in the panniers (as it happens, from the Karrimor of the previous post, albeit many years ago now) going uphill. The same, I suppose, as putting on a bit of body weight.


Reference 1:

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