Tuesday 24 May 2022

Epsom art

Something is happening under the bridge by the Rifleman, by the junction of Hook Road and East Street. One supposes that the town council has commissioned the creationists to do something to celebrate something. A jubilee? An anniversary? The upcoming Cazoo Derby festival? Noting in passing that the new sponsor for the Derby is a sufficiently important company to advertise on ITV3, where pensioners like ourselves can get to know about them. Alternatively one can take a peek at reference 1.

Clearly a work of art to keep an eye on.

In the meantime, I carried on to Sainsbury's at Kiln Lane to try for an experimental luncheon, BH being out on her travels. Wine and Bastides saucisson sec for the cupboard. Crusty white rolls and kabanos for luncheon.

The crusty white rolls were fresh enough and cheaper than those from our Costcutter, but nothing like as good. The sort of thing you used to buy from the factory bakeries, the likes of ABC.

While the kabanos, from TarczyƄski, a new-to-me brand, came with protein. Minced rather fine and carrying a good deal of colour, flavouring, salt etc. Not very good at all. Where have all the kabanos of my youth gone? One theory has it that in the 1960's and 1970's the Poles were desperate for foreign currency and sent us their very best sausages, jams and pickles to pull a bit in. Another theory has it that their food industry has been taken over by the big companies just as ours has been. With the result that quality has been sacrificed to price, quantity and variety. No money in quality - further evidence of which being the attempts of some luxury brands to muscle in on the mass market where the real profits are to be made.

On the up-side, no chicken and no cheese. At least as far as I could see.

And I am sure that the sausage from Bastides will be fine. Chablis, maybe, with my record of Chablis buying being poor. But then the chap at Hedonism (of reference 2) did say that you couldn't expect anything much good for less than £100 or so, which is a bit out of my league. Nevertheless, a shop I have not visited since the onset of the plague, so perhaps time I did.


Reference 1: https://www.cazoo.co.uk/.

Reference 2: https://hedonism.co.uk/.

Reference 3: https://tarczynski.pl/. The home of Sainsbury's foreign sausage. An outfit which, it seems, sells vegetable kabanos. An outfit which looks very like a western food combine.

Reference 4: https://www.uca.ac.uk/. Base camp for the creationists. Plus the accommodation blocks in East Street, the ones where they collect trolleys.

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