Sunday 1 May 2022


[Remarkable Rocks, a group of granite formations on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The prospect of natural hydrogen wells on the island has drawn interest © David Mariuz/AAP/Reuters]

At reference 2, I there was talk of the continuing convenience of liquid hydrocarbon fuel and the quest to produce the stuff in a carbon neutral way - a quest which involved a good deal of electricity. Today, the FT brings news of a different quest, this one to suck hydrogen out of the ground direct, avoiding the need to make the stuff out of water and electricity.

Some people think that there is lots of it to be had. See the Australian company at reference 3, not to be confused with the rather different Texan company at reference 4.

PS: maybe this quest will come off. And then it turn out that there is lots more of the stuff in Russia than there is in Australia...

Reference 1: Australian island draws gas prospectors seeking pot of ‘gold’ hydrogen: First permits granted to explore potential reserve of energy-rich naturally occurring fuel - James Fernyhough, Financial Times - 2022.

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