Tuesday 13 August 2024


I learned yesterday that for some thousands of pounds a go, somewhere in the vicinity of Las Vegas, you can hire a helicopter and play gunship, using a real (smallish) machine gun to shoot up a small town, I imagine much the same thing as the set made out of timber, ply, paper and so on that might feature in a series like 'Deadwood'. For which last, see the the last bit of reference 1.

Maybe for a bit extra, you and the crew get to dress up as if you were in the US Marine Corps or the Army. In any event, you do get to wear a harness and hang out of an open hatch.

One step back, and you are in the world of video games. One step forward, and they throw a few farm animals into the mix. You throw in a few more thousands to keep the animal people quiet.

There was a hint that most of the people doing these trips were businessmen on corporate hugging trips, senior enough that you need more than building Lego towers to stir their jaded appetites. From whence came the thought that this was really what should be a taxable perk disguised as a business expense. Have the tax authorities taken a view?


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-last-visit-to-town-for-while.html.

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