Sunday 11 August 2024


Thinking that I fancied a spot of white this evening, I reached into the cupboard under the stairs and pulled out a bottle of Majestic's finest, something very like that snapped above from reference 1. Martín Códax.100% Albariño. Harvest of 2022. Only the closure is wrong.

I thought I had had one of these before, but the closure was new to me. Some sort of foil affair, which I tried to rip off in the usual way - which proved rather difficult.

I think the closure was something like those snapped above from reference 2 and I was reduced to getting out the trusty oyster knife, usually used for opening oranges, in an attempt to avoid cutting my fingers. Two cuts later, I had got all the foil off - thick, vicious stuff when torn - revealing a small plastic, screw-top inner closure, perhaps a centimetre deep overall. This was a bit sticky, presumably the foil came with glue, but it came off quite easily and the wine was fine.

I think the idea was that I cut the lugs visible in the snap above a couple of centimetres below the top, perhaps using some kind of custom cutter sourced from Amazon - after which I should have a regular screw top closure which I can twist off without further ado. I shall have one more attempt at DIY with a kitchen knife before I click on Amazon. Or perhaps one of my trusty clasp knives.

Whether I buy any more, given that our local Majestic has closed, as reported at reference 3, is another matter. Maybe I will defect to the nearby Sainsbury's.

PS 1: closure is a booze business technical term which I picked up from perusal of the magazines offered by the people at reference 4, via the platform library at Raynes Park. As previously noticed.

PS 2: once upon a time, the Labour Party had quite a good record on colonial matters. But I can't see much action arising from reference 5, despite the nonsense of the UK and France being in and India being out (of the UN security council). Nevertheless, some kind of gesture would be good - rather in the way that some kind of gesture in respect of the nonsenses of Gibraltar and the Malvinas would be good. Like a promise to give them back in 50 years time. Not the same as Taiwan at all.


Reference 1: Offered in Spanish, Galician/Galego and English.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5: UN credibility depends on adjusting veto rights to match shift in global power: Imagine the poetic justice if the UK were to cede its UNSC seat in favour of India - Kishore Mahbubani, Financial Times - 2024.

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