Saturday 17 August 2024


More plums, this time plums called Victorias from the Thursday market fruit & veg stall. About the same price per pound as those from Waitrose, but somehow not quite as pretty. A little tired looking and not as good in the mouth. And three or four duds - compared with I think nil duds from Waitrose.

Then a visit to Sainsbury's, in lieu of the late lamented Majestic. Not such a good choice in my price range and not sold in convenient boxes of six. Plus moving loose bottles in a Rollator is pushing its shopping bag a bit. We will see how we get on with the new-to-us Reverend Sloane. I'm  sure the JW will be fine.

Along the way, I found a bank card on the floor, which I returned to customer services. I wonder if its owner managed to get it back the same day, before it was stopped by his bank?

Then there were a couple of crabs from Cromer, via the fish van. The crab was fine, but I think another time we will put a bit more effort into dressing it, rather than serving it as bought from the van. I was rather taken with the idea of mashing the yellow meat up with some bread crumbs and a little oil, as suggested by at least two of our cook books.

While the kedgeree, taken the next day, was entirely satisfactory. The cod looking particularly well, white and shiny.

Then game for some more water melon from the convenience store in Waterloo Road. Which almost certainly broke the safe working load - five kilograms - of the shopping bag. But I was glad not to be carrying it the old way. Two blackberry stops on my way back through Court Rec.

Installed on its mat behind the bread board.

Not impressed with the first two slices taken from the top end, that is to say the end away from the stalk. Wet and pink but not much flavour. Seeds rather small, perhaps a quarter of an inch long, and not entirely black. The third slice, taken this morning for breakfast was better. Perhaps middle slices are the way forward.

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