Saturday 31 December 2022

Trolley 553

As it turned out, there was one more trolley from the old year, another food hall trolley from the Kokoro passage. I don't think that it had been there very long as it was not very wet. Returned to M&S.

On the way in I was rather struck by the main entrance to Wetherspoon's. Apart from the barrier being a bit scruffy, it all seemed a bit mean to me. The anti-smoking people have won the war - do they have to be mean at the margins as well? I wondered what proportion of the anti-smoking people had once been smokers. FIL, for example, was pretty fierce on the whole subject - having smoked as a young man, through the war, but then packed it in to leave room in the family budget for buying and running a small car. And then there is the old saying about converts being more Catholic than the Pope. People born into the faith can afford to be a bit more relaxed about it all.

While this last snap is a record of the last game of Scrabble of the year. Which I might say I won, despite BH getting more than her fair share of the blanks and the big letters. I was luckier with the triple words and triple letters.

Nearly all of the words are OK, at least according to our more-than-a-century old OED, except, perhaps 'kist', to the right, flagged up as Scottish or Northern dialect. A word, as it happens, that BH remembers from the stories she has read about the highlands and islands. So marginal, but allowed. A reminder that it is often hard to make rules about things which are nice and tidy everywhere, without any odd corners where they seem to break down.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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