Tuesday 6 December 2022


Last week I decided that my razor was not cutting it anymore. The motor was turning the heads OK, but the heads were not cutting the hair. BH turned up the records and it appears that it is five years since I last replaced the heads: a long time and rather longer than I had thought. So I did not begrudge the £40 or so I expected the new heads to cost. In fact, rather pleased with myself that I had managed for so long.

Down to Boots yesterday morning, clutching ticket from the last replacement. Found the right shelf in Boots and eventually found the right heads, even though the way they were identified seemed to have changed.

Back home, the first task was to take out the old heads and clean out the top of the razor. Second task was to take the new heads out of their sturdy plastic package, possibly containing some kind of electrical alarm, the white stripe in the snap above, and so possibly sturdy to make it hard to remove the heads in the shop. Third task, which I seemed to manage with far less fuss than on the last occasion, was to fit the new heads. And off we go.

The old heads are still quite sharp, and not having a sharps container they went into the metal waste bucket in the garage, for eventual disposal at the tip up the road.

At which point, I discover that if I had looked at the back of the record, I had actually replaced the heads just over two years ago, paying Amazon exactly the same sum (including postage) as I paid Boots yesterday. With two years being the recommended replacement interval. At which point I stopped feeling so pleased with myself about how much money I had saved. But at least I had a working razor again and will be sufficiently well groomed to show my face in Wetherspoon's.

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