Wednesday 21 December 2022

Pork soup redux

Pork soup was, until quite recently, a regular part of our diet. As far as I can make out from the archive the last occasion using improper pork was nearly two years ago and the last occasion using proper pork was just over two years ago. No idea why it fell off: all I can remember is being rather keen on the stuff.

Came to mind a few days ago and it turned out there was a pork tenderloin (proper pork) in the freezer, a tenderloin which had been there some months and had acquired a curious appearance. But I was confident that it would be fine for soup, confidence which was not misplaced.

12:00 start for a late lunch at 13:30. So 3oz of pearl barley in 3 pints of water.

The pork weighed a little under a pound. Cut lengthwise, then sliced crosswise to give pieces of about a cubic centimeter in volume. Added in at 12:30.

Onion, celery and potato at 12:45.

Two sorts of cabbage, slivered at 13:25.

Mushrooms at 13:30.

Started ten minutes late.

In the bowl. We did three quarters at the first sitting and finished it off later in the day. The liquor was voted top-notch.

By way of dessert, a casual version of the bread pudding which used to be a regular item maybe thirty years ago. Casual in the sense that BH knocked it up from a left over stump of bread, without bothering with scales or recipe. Usually turns out OK, although not as good as what we used to have. But then, that was made with white bread and a recipe. One more thing which works better with white than with brown bread.

Wound up the day with a stroll to see the curious flats mentioned yesterday, at reference 5. A bit bleak against the winter afternoon sky, but I dare say they will look better when the trees have grown a bit. Furthermore, they did not look fully occupied. In fact, all a bit dead.

The contested application puts five new dwellings between the new block centre and the old house with the chimney right. I don't suppose they would be very visible at all from where I was standing for the snap, let alone offensive.

PS: I learn that redux is more a bit of open source Java used to maintain application state than the word intended above. Looks like a cut down database to me, but then apps were never my thing, so see references 3 and 4 for the proper story. The word is missing from my Webster's, but rates a short entry in OED. An adjective used by doctors to indicate the return to health of something or other. I don't understand the two examples given, so perhaps the word was not much used in 1910, although I believe BH owns a book called 'Exeter redux' about the rebuilding of Exeter after heavy bombing in and around the docks during the second world war - a belief weakened by neither Abebooks nor ebay knowing anything about it. In any event it gets the double bar from OED for 'not naturalised' so it would not do in Scrabble.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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