Monday 12 December 2022

One that nearly got away

That is to say, some weeks ago I picked up a couple of saucisson sec from Bastides at Waitrose, not tainted with truffles, walnuts or anything of that sort. Two sausages or 400g for £11.50. So given that we did most of the resultant stew in one go, not a particularly cheap meal.

A meal actually taken just over a fortnight ago. So a bit past its sell-by date now, but included here for the record.

Certain ingredients were rape seed oil, garlic, onion, an orange pepper, tomatoes, celery, sausage and mushrooms. Pretty much in that order.

Less certain ingredients were extra water, a few lentils (to give the sauce a bit of body) and a small amount of left over potato. I do remember deciding against adding fresh potato, but I also have a dim memory of there being a small amount left over from the day before, chopped small and added. I can't tell from the photographs, even with zoom.

Plus some pasta. Plus a green salad, this last part of the operation being in BH's department.

And we certainly ate most of it all on the first shift. Just enough left for one portion a day or so later, taken with another portion of something else which BH turned up from the freezer. I won the toss and took what was left of the sausage stew.

Dessert was the oft-mentioned orange jelly, a dessert I am rather fond of. So orange jelly yes, milk jellies, blancmange and milk puddings, generally no. Except, perhaps, the occasional rice pudding - with the catch here being that I like them rather dry while BH (who makes them) likes them rather wet.

Plus a go at the Gubbeen purchased on the occasion noticed at reference 1. As good as we have come to expect. A cheese which also has the merit of holding its condition for a few days; you do not have to be too careful about exactly when you eat it.

Taken with the trusty Carr's. Trusted, that is, in the matter of making biscuits, but not in the matter of serving suggestions, the here not being my sort of thing at all. Gross flavour overkill.

A good meal. Apparently taken with water rather than with anything stronger. It being the day after the outing noticed at reference 2, perhaps we thought a day off the sauce was in order.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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