Sunday 27 February 2022

Trolley 480

The trolleys are coming! A M&S food hall trolley arrived in a road near us overnight Saturday-Sunday. Clocked on our way to Hampton Court, captured and returned after we had returned. Snapped above near some leylandii flavoured debris from the great storm. A large, forked leylandii, one half of which had split away and fallen across the road. Apparently the neighbours turned out to clear it, some of them at least, presumably, armed with chainsaws.

Note the wheel nearest the camera, with what looks like a wheel lock. No idea what might set it off and I have yet to come across one which has been set off.

Thought about a celebration beverage at Wetherspoons, but the inside looked a bit crowded and the sun had gone off the terrace, so I abstained, strolling back home via Hook Road instead.

Passing through what I now believe to be the remains of a veggie market in the square.

Passing at least two clumps of broken glass in verges, broken glass which one might of thought that the householder adjacent would have cleared up by late afternoon. But well outside the 100m radius of home that I limit my own clearings up to. There are limits to how busy one can decently be.

Picking up a dark washer to add to my collection, maybe an inch in diameter, along the way. The first for a while.


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