Sunday 13 February 2022


Braved the wind and the rain this afternoon to take a walk down Pound Lane, from the Clayhill Green end down to the vets in what was the parky's house.

So while the planners can insist that you build a new brick wall to match the heritage wall, off-snap and up to the right, they can't do anything about the graffiti and they can't stop large ruts appearing in the grass beyond your wall. Which must be rather annoying when you have probably paid a good deal for one of the flats. Perhaps they didn't tell you about the regular visits of the police helicopter to the recreation ground visible middle left when you were negotiating your purchase?

Plus, to my mind, the yellow colour of the lower stretch would have suited better than the red of the upper stretch, which is one colour too many.

The ground must be very soft given the size of the ruts and that we have not had that much rain. Maybe it soaks up the water from the slope behind the camera. Were the ruts the work of joy riding youth? Perhaps not, as a bit further down it was clear that some contractors had been tidying up the hedges and briar patches, so maybe it was their trucks and tractors. If it was them, you might think that they would have tidied up a bit, as I would think that it going to take a long time for nature to take its course, for the ruts to vanish of their own accord.

PS: the good news was that TB appeared to be open, late this Sunday afternoon.


Reference 1: More graffiti on the same wall.

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