Monday 23 January 2023

Avocado news

Since I last reported on our potted avocado at reference 1 in October, it has been moved from the upstairs landing window to the study back window, above a radiator, where it has put on a fair bit of growth.

Not sure about the heat when the radiator is on and not sure about how much water is wanted, but for the moment it seems to be doing alright.

Current thinking is to repot in the spring and relocate to the back extension, where there is less heating and an exposed flat roof. Then, put it outside in the summer months.

Reference 2 not particularly helpful, but it does suggest that growing the plant is easy enough but that getting it to fruit is more challenging. And might involve quite a wait. While reference 3 tells me that grown indoors in a pot, an avocado will only last two or three years before going into a decline. All food for thought.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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