Saturday 14 January 2023

Long Grove Park

Just after Christmas we took a circular walk around Long Grove Park, sometime Southfield Park, sometime part of the grounds of Long Grove Hospital. Now a park with a new housing estate to the north, a mostly between the wars housing estate to the south (where we live) and a post war housing estate to the east. The ones immediately to the east being substantial, full-specification semis, once owned by the local council; a specification which perhaps did not take Surrey ground conditions into account, as quite a few of them have cracks running between the ground and first floor windows.

And when the Google camera was overhead, there looks to have been some sort of gathering of motor homes and tents at the west end. No mess or livestock to be seen so probably not travellers, although they have been known to set up shop nearer the entrance from Christchurch Road to the west. Whatever the case, impressive resolution.

[once, I believe, a hospital playing field]

Furthermore, the new housing estate comes with an impressive amount of green space, with lots of grass, rough and mown, lots of mature trees and lots of young trees, presumably planted at the time that the houses were built. With one bonus being a number of good sized Wellingtonia (long scored) and another being the long view to east when you are standing at the top of the park, that is to say the western end.

[the view from the eastern end this morning. An impressive bit of chain work by the park keepers]

Then leaving the park and around into Kendor Avenue, where there is an in-fill bungalow which has been a long time in the building. Taking a long time seeming to be a feature of infill hereabouts, but in this case there may be an excuse in that it looked fairly DIY, rather than the whole job having been simply given to a builder.

Not quite as finished as might at first appear.


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