Saturday 28 January 2023

Brute force

The FT included the graphic above at reference 2 today, a graphic which tells us that central Asia is a good deal colder than it was here in Epsom a week or so - and that was quite cold enough for me. 

But more important, I felt sure that I had seen and posted such a graphic before. I tried all the search keys I could think of, getting more and more outlandish, for example 'noaa', all to no avail. I tried looking in the place where I keep the images which catch my eye for one reason or another. I tried searching the FT for 'noaa'. Still nothing doing. Eventually I decided that the answer was to eyeball the Word archive copy of the blog for December, which is a lot quicker than paging through the same stuff online, and in fairly short order I got to reference 1, where learn that in December the dark blue stuff was over the northern part of north America, in particular Greenland. That is to say, Nansenland of reference 4.

A correspondent tells me that it is around minus 15°C in Ottawa at the moment. Not quite in the same league as Siberia, but I think I would need to invest in more serious winter clothing - or stay indoors. One can only suppose that the cost of going carbon neutral in such places is rather higher than it is here in the UK.

PS 1: NOAA, otherwise the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a subsidiary of the US Department of Commerce, is to be found at reference 3. Lots of graphics and pictures, but not this particular one, or anything like it. Maybe in the unvisited depths.

PS 2: I now find that feeding the image above into Google image search, turns up both itself and the image at reference 1 in no time at all. Clever stuff.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Climate graphic of the week: Northern Asia suffers extreme cold: Arctic freeze sweeps across large parts of China, Japan and Korea - Chris Campbell, Emiliya Mychasuk, Financial Times - 2023.

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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