Monday 9 January 2023

A small puzzle

Twice in the past few days my email in-box has included invitations to stay in fancy hotels in Ireland. The first was rather too expensive for the likes of us, but the second, the Ashe Hotel in Tralee on the south west coast, is clearly a good place as one of their publicity shots appears to include the sort of blue Globetrotter suitcase which I used to favour for the purposes of work and any associated travel. Very good they were too, but the brand lost its way when it moved into the luxury market: for some reason this meant that the prices went up and the quality of the all-important fibre board that the case was made of went down. Never been the same since, although the good old days did turn up occasionally at car boot sales.

The puzzle being, why have the advertisements started turning up? It is true that the first one prompted me to think that a fortnight on the other island might be a good thing, perhaps a break from the Isle of Wight, but this thinking did not go as anything like as far as Google. Not much further than thinking that I did not fancy sitting around Gatwick for a couple of hours. So what is that the Google ad server kicking off from?

Maybe it will come to me overnight.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: A possible sighting, six years ago now. A post turned up by brute force rather than by cunning search, having failed to correctly compute when I started going to lectures at the Royal Institution.

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