Sunday 1 January 2023

Second shift

The second and final outing of the festal chicken noticed at reference 1 took the form of soup.

Boil up carcase for a couple of hours or so with a couple of onions and some left over brussels sprouts. Strain and add 3oz of orange lentils for a bit of body. Simmer for a while. The left over boiled rice from the day before, maybe as much as 8oz. Some celery, a stump of chou pointu (stalk chopped fine) and some mushrooms. First sitting did three quarters of it, a second sitting at 18:00 did the balance. Liquor brown rather than yellow and rather good.

None of the glue factory after-taste you can get with a larger carcase or if you boil it for too long.

More of the Wilko panettone for dessert. Nansen of reference 2 visible right, complete with the marbling which was de rigueur for a proper book in those days.

Despite the box being dressed in Italian clothes, it explained on the bottom, in the small print, that this panettone was not for sale in Italy. Perhaps they have rules about the ingredients which you don't want to bother with for the export market. Maybe about the use of vanilla substitutes. Foreigners won't know the difference anyway. From where I associate to the days when cross channel ferries carried all kinds of strange bottled beers which one never saw on their nominal home ground.

Run to ground at reference 3, with 'Dolce Forneria' being one of their brands. As far as I can make out, a bakery operation in two parts, one called 'the old oven' and the other called 'the baptistry'. The baptistery in question being that at Parma, the place where the cheese you take with spaghetti comes from. That said, the headquarters - seemingly in an industrial estate somewhere between Verona and Padua - is rather to the north of Parma. The website does Italian, English and nothing else so perhaps they are big into the English trade. Perhaps they have a very good relationship with Wilko.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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