Friday 17 February 2023

Fake 154

The works at Pound Lane School, last noticed at reference 2, have been substantially complete for some time, but yesterday I noticed that the new railings have been decorated with fake ivy.

Perhaps there is a new worry about undesirable people peering in at the playground. It being an old worry which resulted some years ago in a wooden fence being erected inside the old railings, both new fence and old railings having been removed in the course of the recent works.

A double fake in the sense that behind the fake ivy we have a patch of fake grass laid on the new tar macadam. 

Maybe in a less stressed & hurried age, a new hedge could have been planted inside the new fence. Hawthorn would have done nicely, or failing that the firethorn they use at Cavendish Square works pretty well. With the advantage that firethorn with its big thorns would resist childish vandalism better than hawthorn. 

PS: for some reason, Google continues to think that I am in the market for high end dog food. Perhaps they think I am running a boarding house? With the supplier offered today, Ella & Co, coming with a web address which does not work. Nor does Bing do any better with the name, although it does turn up one James Middleton, a dog loving businessman on the fringes of our royal family. See reference 3.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: fakesk.

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