Sunday 26 February 2023

Piano 65

Captured yesterday in the margins of a visit - the substance of which will be noticed in due course - to what used to be known as the Thorndike theatre in Leatherhead. In the café, not looking particularly loved. I had no idea what the stickers on the keys are about and I did not think that the young people working the café were likely to have any idea at all, so I did not trouble them. Thinking hat job.

Made by Challen, not previously heard of. Seemingly one of the biggest of the London manufacturers in its day, that is to say the nineteenth and most of the twentieth centuries. London enough that they did not bother with cod German script for their name above the keyboard. According to Bing: 'They were taken over by Barratt & Robinson in 1971 and again by Broadwood & Sons in 1984. A Malaysian piano manufacturer started building pianos with the Challen name in 1996'.

The morning after this post, the Financial Times brought me a piano flavoured advertisement for Hennessy brandy which I thought I would share. A video featuring lots of arty shots of nature and of the interior of pianos, together with voice and sound overs from Alicia Keys and Lang Lang, both piano flavoured musicians. Both important enough to score pages in Wikipedia. Neither averse to boosting their pension fund in this way. I did not stay with it long enough to get the brand of piano, so non-scoring. Nor far enough to glimpse of bottle of the good stuff. See reference 3.

PS: beware of the file name for this post. A not easily corrected clerical error.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: pianosk.

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