Saturday 25 February 2023

Trolley 556

The first trolley for a couple of months, possibly reflecting lack of activity on my part, possibly increased activity of the Council's collection squad. A large Waitrose trolley in pretty good condition.

A good chunk of the market was given over to various varieties of street food. We still have two greengrocery stalls, but neither of them sell much in the way of green vegetables these days, and I did not spot any spring greens, a staple of our younger days at this time of year. But there was plenty of fruit and some salad stuff from far away places. One hopes that they don't lay on the jumbos especially for the food, rather that the food is sitting in their otherwise half empty holds. That that airlines are getting better at selling unused cargo space.

Down Hook Road to inspect the shed conversion, which is coming on fast since last noticed at reference 2. Looks quite well from this angle, but rather narrow from the other end. And we now have a sign from a regular builder out front - or at least a loft conversion specialist - so not entirely DIY, as had been previously suggested.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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