Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Not dahl

More lentils the other day, but this dahl was not the veggie dahl which has been favoured of late, rather the version involving meat, to be more precise bacon from Sainsbury's described as 'The Jolly Hog outdoor reared smoked rashers ...  streaky ... oak and beech dry cured by hand'.

Jolly Hog are clearly enterprising people because, as well as processing pigs, they run at least one bar in an adapted shipping container in what looks like a very trendy part of Bristol. More containers visible left. From a start-up by three brothers in 2007, they look to have grown to a substantial business, running various retail outlets as well as supplying a number of supermarkets. They do not grow their own pigs, but I think they probably do make the product, from carcase to packed product - so there must be a substantial factory somewhere - which I have not yet been able to trace. And while the soup detailed below was fine, I did not think the bacon was anything special - but then how could it be at supermarket prices?

They are proud of their dealings with small suppliers and of their rating with the RSPCA. While I wonder whether there is any venture capital in the business, private equity or whatever. There has clearly been a lot of growth in 15 years.

Companies House not very informative. The company is organised as three units - concessions, group and retail - but none of those units seems to have to file accounts which do things like turnover. Further investigation left for another day.

Back at the soup, started off with 8oz red lentils in 3 pints of water about 2 hours from the off. Brought to the boil and left to simmer. At some point I decided that there were not enough lentils and added another 1oz or so, the remainder of the jar. End product about right and I was not able to sort the undercooked from the overcooked lentils. That is to say, you would not have known.

A little later added a little chopped left over celery.

A little later still added a little left over mashed potato. Uses up a left over, but not good for the texture to add a lot.

Separately chop a couple of cloves of garlic and fry gently in butter. Add some freshly bashed black pepper. Chop three onions into slivers rather than small chunks. After a little while add the bacon, chopped crosswise, taking care to separate the pieces. It might be called dry cured but it all sticks together if you don't take care.

Five minutes before the off stir into the lentils. Serve with older brown bread.

Pleased with the outcome. Did about three quarters at 13:00 and I knocked off the balance at 18:00, bread batch No.677 not by then being ready - in fact it was not cooked and cooled until around 20:00. This batch being the fourth to use the Royalty flour from Wrights, to which I have switched from their Alto flour. No reason, just for a change really. When I first started with the new flour, I thought it had a different texture, but I don't think I can claim any change in the finished product.

PS: maybe it is time to try a proper hock again. The sort of thing that comes with skin and bone. Where can I get one from?


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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