Monday 7 March 2022

Zanussi rules again

Following the disaster reported at reference 1, our cooker now seems to be up and running again.

The Zanussi repair people put this particular repair out to the new-to-me appliance repair operation called Respond Services, to be found at reference 2 and who cover a large chunk of the eastern Home Counties. They turned up when they said they would this morning and in fairly short order replaced the element at the back. There is clearly something very wrong with the old one, snapped above.

And at 2,500W perhaps best to leave installation, simple though that might be once you have done it once, to the expert.

The oven has now been tested with cheese scones, which cook at the high temperature of 210°C, and we thought a reasonable test, before returning to the charge with bread batch No.645 tomorrow morning. The first tray is snapped above, with the second tray from the lower shelf, with a further six scones, appearing a couple of minutes later. The round one, left centre, was the ball of dough left at the end of cutting out proper scones, using a cutter which I believe dates from my childhood, so maybe seventy or more years old. As does the cooling rack under. Half an hour or so later the fifteen scones had shrunk to one, and I dare say that one will fade away in the course of the evening. 

And while there may be no sugar, what with the butter and the cheese, I dare say also that there were plenty of calories. BH cheese, as using fancy cheese from Neal's Yard Dairy didn't make a difference that we could taste,

The dough was wetted with a mixture of milk and water, far less than the recipe calls for, but still too much, so I had to add in some more flour. But the scones still worked - unlike concrete where catching the driver adding water after mixing, perhaps because the concrete had been mixed too dry in the first place or because it had been too long on the road, was sufficient reason to reject a mixer load.

The only fly in the ointment was this message from gmail. No idea what prompted it.

And, lastly, having mistakenly given them our land line number rather than my mobile number, which meant that text did not work, I had phoned Respond Services at around 08:30 this morning to ask when I might expect them. They answered my call after very little in the way of recorded messages and the helpful lady was able to give me my three hour window.

An altogether satisfactory service.

PS: the two loaves of reference 1 were much better eating than I had feared. Rather good in fact, in a chewy sort of way. The second loaf will be finished off for breakfast tomorrow.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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