Friday 25 March 2022

Trolley 497

This one in the passage between Barclays Bank and the Plaice to Eat, that is to say a chipper we use from time to time. Notable for its large portions. Captured from past the gate, so strictly speaking on private property, but the rules committee nodded it through over the airwaves. Repositioned for the purposes of the evidential snap. 

Front left looked a bit depressed, but it was taken in charge by a shopper just before I got to the stack. Clearly not bothered by minor depression.

Racing towards the finishing line now. Quite hopeful that I will make it in time for All Fools' Day, a week from today. Serious plotting for suitable celebration underway.

Continued preparations for a different celebration by exploring the salad offerings in Waitrose. Not that great and a lot of pre-cut green stuff in plastic bags, but I managed. Plus a bottle of own label fizz, which I remember as being quite acceptable. Which also had the merit of lifting me over the bar for a free Guardian, the last one as it happens, this being around 17:00.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Possibly the last occasion we had fizz from Waitrose. Nothing recorded against.

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