Tuesday 15 March 2022

Trolley 489

Trolley 489, another trolley from Sainsbury's, this one captured out the back of their store, just by the entrance to the Royal Mail shed. So it qualified, being off the Sainsbury's part of the site and out of range of their cameras. Probably out of range of their trolley men. With great tits having been spotted at least once, making their nests inside the shed's eaves top left. Plenty of twittering in the bushes yesterday, but I did not spot any nesting in the shed. See reference 2.

Three washers picked up on the way home, four if you count fibre washers as well as metal ones.

PS: regular readers may recall that we stay in the Royal Lion in Lyme Regis from time to time, a hotel very close to the sea, with a car park and with pretensions, pretensions which extend to the upstairs Oak Room for fine dining, complete with a pianist on weekend evenings. A public jigsaw. A full size billiard table. A fine bar area, sometimes with real fire. Owned by a lady who was often to be seen about the place, if not actually serving. It seems that she has now sold out to Hall & Woodhouse, a Dorset brewer of long standing, seemingly still owned by the founding families. The people who run the Duchess of Cornwall in Poundbury, another hotel which we have stayed in from time to time - and intend to stay there again when we have a suitable opportunity. It looks as if the Royal Lion has had a makeover with the Oak Room vanishing and the menu brought into line with that at Poundbury; not identical but very much the same sort of thing. It will be interesting to see what they have made of the place. In the meantime, I have learned that a 'Cobb' is Hall and Woodhouse speak for an open sandwich.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/03/trolley-488.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2019/03/tweet_17.html.

Reference 3: https://www.royallionhotel.com/. The refurbished website.

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