Thursday 10 October 2024

Wellingtonia 115

Two more Wellingtonia just along from No.114; one large in the foreground and one rather smaller in the background. Tilehouse Lane of Denham of Buckinghamshire, for which see reference 2.

From which I learn that before Denham Grove was a hotel it was a training and conference facility for BP. I guess converting the latter to the former was not such a big deal. From where I associated to the hotel in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral, which I think started out as an ecclesiastical facility now, as it were, outsourced. For which see reference 3.

Also that Denham appears to have had more than its fair share of celebrity residents. And appeared in no less than four episodes of 'Midsomer Murders'.

This snap gives an idea of the diameter at the base of the trunk. The buildings may be the lodge and associated outbuildings from the old Tile House, as set out in reference 2 of reference 1. They have been updated, but they still look old in parts.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:,_Buckinghamshire.

Reference 3:

Group search key: wgc. 

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