Tuesday 1 October 2024

New blood

Things are a looking a bit grim for for sensible, two party politics if a leadership contender for one of them goes in for the sort of thing that this one does. Is she trying to beat our former fat leader at his own game? Is she taking lessons from the former fat leader over the pond?

Grim not least because it might take us a very long time to learn to play the many party, coalition games they go in for on the continent. Not least because we seem to be very stuck on the status quo at our antiquated Houses of Parliament. Noting that what they are good at is assimilating and absorbing newbies and wannabee reformers. In which connection, see, for example, the second postscript at reference 2.

And then there was the hard-to-reverse own goal of allowing members to vote for leaders, an own goal scored by both main parties. All those expensive classical educations and they still haven't learned that indirect democracy is better than the direct sort. Perhaps they did not get onto the book by Mackay noticed at reference 3.


Reference 1: Badenoch says UK civil servants should be ‘in prison’: Comments come after Tory leadership rival Robert Jenrick defended his claims about special forces - Lucy Fisher, Jim Pickard, Financial Times - 2024. 

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/09/his-and-hers.html.

Reference 3: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2018/11/a-last-outing.html.

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