Tuesday 25 June 2024

Trolley 714

Trolley 714, from the M&S food hall, was captured outside Epsom Station yesterday morning.

I took the opportunity to check the cherries in the food hall, ending up taking 650g for a fiver or so. The label says variety rabbits from Spain. Plus a Guardian, despite it mainly being twaddle about the election. Standard of electoral debate: poor. It this in itself a plot of the media, dominated as they are by those of the right, those who do not want proper debate, which might disturb the status-quo?

Carried the cherries around the Screwfix circuit, to find them rather better than expected, with no duds. At the time of writing, just a dozen or so of them left.

PS 1: checking this morning, the cherry is not rabbits at all. Rather a rather recent invention, named for the Latvian who did the ground work before the Canadians brought it too market. See references 2 and 3.

PS 2: the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre of Summerland, British Columbia appears to be an agricultural research institute without a website. Almost non-existent. There is also something odd about the way that the web address at reference 3 works. Not what I wanted at all.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/06/trolley-713.html.

Reference 2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapins_cherry.

Reference 3: https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/A52-81-1-2014-eng.pdf.

Group search key: trolleysk. 

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