Monday 17 June 2024

Simple saver

We quite like to save with NS&I, partly because it is a good cause, partly because they offer a product mix which suits. With the result that we have a modest but rather messy portfolio with them, the mess in turn being the result of product turnover.

So what with that, the account structure and the user interface, it has taken me about two hours to extract the information I need to put on our annual tax return. It would probably have been a bit easier when they sent us letters through the post. While HSBC manage to extract the necessary information from our even more messy portfolio with them and send it to us on a piece of paper. Just four numbers for the two of us.

Leaving me with the impression this afternoon that NS&I is perhaps better suited to people investing a lot more money than we are - people who can probably afford an accountant to wade through the computer for them.

And should you have the temerity to try to write to them, according to gmaps the postcode given is that of a car park in Sunderland, snapped above. To be fair to Google, I think the NS&I offices are probably in a tower above a nearby shopping centre.

PS: ecobalance probably negative, certainly in the short term. NS&I saved a bit on paper, printing and postage, while I have lost rather more in paper, toner and all the electricity needed to drive my computer and my share of the internet. And that is without counting my valuable time.

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