Monday 6 November 2023


A small flock of small birds making their way through the small trees at the bottom of the garden this morning, just as I happened to be emptying the kitchen waste dustbin into the brick compost bin. Quite a lot of twittering. Quite small, a lot smaller than, say, great tits.

First thought was coal tits, but I think on reflection and after consultation with Bing, they were more likely to have been long tailed tits, even though I had not noticed the distinctive head shape of the images offered by Bing. And nothing like the one snapped above, lifted from reference 1.

Nearer the house, on the bit of rough, gravelly ground at the start of the garden path, the green jelly lichen was having a go. Brought to life by all the rain we have had. Last notice in August at reference 2, when it was more brown than green.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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