Thursday 23 November 2023

A new venture?

A little to the south east of the important cross roads at Malden Rushett, we have the 220 acre arable farm once known as Rushett Farm. I don't think that 220 acres is much for a family to make a living on these days and I do think that they have been pushing to diversify for years. I think they do helicopters and small aeroplanes and I think they wanted to do a diving tower, but that got turned down, despite the generally permissive attitude taken to developing farms. I dare say they are hanging on, hoping one day to turn the farm into a housing estate. Epsom Cluster Hospitals first, one of which is visible top right in the snap above, then farms. We do, after all, need the houses and they have to go somewhere, green belt or no green belt.

In the meantime, I have just learned that they are running an operation called the Barn, as described at reference 1, offering various activities, some outdoor some indoor. But parking only for those who are going to spend a bit of money; not for those who just want to take chai and chatter. Were the council difficult about lopping off a slice of field for a car park? Only the National Trust are allowed to do that sort of thing?

And for Christmas, they are adding a sprinkling of festive fun to the mix. Including, for example, a luxurious Christmas wreath class. And no doubt involving mulled wine - which I have never cared for - and mince pies.

PS 1: while for nearby competition, they have Chessington Garden Centre, Chessington World of Adventures, Go-ape Chessington, Dragon's Fury and Hobbledown. And for those who prefer not to have to pay there is Horton Country Park with its coffee caravan.

PS 2: for some reason, I associate to the rather grander operation at Arreton Barns on the Isle of Wight, which may never have been a farm, despite the name. See reference 3.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Previous notice of Dragon's Fury.

Reference 3:

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