Monday 16 September 2024

Trolley 726

Happening to be in town with BH yesterday (Monday) afternoon, as a treat, she minded the rollator from a bench - not one of the find-a-friend variety left over from the days of the plague - while I captured a trolley from the M&S food hall, the first for several weeks. She also commented that the trolley was in mint condition, rather better than those she was used to at Sainsbury's Kiln Lane - one difference being that there they are stored outside.

A proper trolley from Wanzl, good for 100kg, which makes the shopping bag attached to the rollator look rather puny at 5kg. BH thought that you would need plenty of booze to take you anywhere near the 100kg - but then people do do that - and the shopkeeper does not want to have to worry about the possibility of collapsing trolleys.

I rewarded myself with some more English plums, rather different from those which have been available elsewhere, but I shall report on them properly in the proper place. That is to say, maƱana.

The newish trees in the market square were mostly looking well in the late afternoon sun, with just the two replacements outside Wetherspoon's a bit feeble compared with the rest of them. Feeble, but alive and not obviously ailing. Maybe there is something wrong with that bit of land which cannot easily be fixed.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The last outing for Civic Trees, the people who do for the trees. No more long-service council gardeners for that sort of thing. A post which also involves some genuine Victoria plums.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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