Saturday 7 September 2024

Home comforts

Despite more eating in cafés, restaurants and public houses, we do try to maintain some home comforts when we are on holiday. 

One part of this is that BH will usually bake a Dundee cake (Delia Smith style) to take with us. So holidays might bring out a tendency to snack, but it does not have to be the sugary confections offered on High Streets. Perhaps overtly sugary would be more accurate, given the there is plenty of sugar in a Dundee cake, but it is not in your face. It is not in the form of some kind of sticky icing plastered over the top. Another part is that she will usually boil up a bit of gammon which can be taken cold with salads. An easy way to provide for several meals, without recourse to ready meals.

My contributions are to the kitchen cupboard. So I make sure that we have adequate supplies of orange lentils (usually from Ontario or Turkey), saucisson sec (usually, of late, from Bastides) and hard yellow cheese (always Lincolnshire Poacher from Neal's Yard Dairy). To be fair, one can usually get orange lentils these days, with the veggies having got a foothold in most food outlets, but sausage and cheese is not so easy. So in Devon, white pudding yes, sausage no, at least not without beating our way to a proper supermarket, which we do not usually manage.

To which BH adds basics like potatoes, onions and carrots. We might have to scratch around a bit for proper green vegetables. And bread. Will we manage to keep out of the way of all that sour dough swilling about? Not just the veggie outlets these days.

So there is relief from the diet of Bidfood, supplier to so many of our food outlets.

Provided only that one has access to a kitchen. Which tends to rule out hotels. OK overnight, not so clever otherwise.


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