Thursday 9 May 2024

Trolleys 682, 683 & 684

Five trolleys, scoring a total of three (trips), taken from the Kokoro Passage last Saturday. Two from the M&S food hall, one from Waitrose and two from B&M.

One of these last have broken away from the flock. Not as awkward to walk them as it might appear: perhaps I am getting the hang of mixed walking.

There was another trolley, a special needs trolley from Sainsbury's, when I got to the passage leading to the Screwfix underpass, but not fancying the walk back to Kiln Lane at that point, I tucked it behind a tree just the other side of the underpass. Despite which, it had gone by the time I got back to it yesterday. Maybe the two lads who looked to up to no good in the underpass had had some sport with it.

What looked like wisteria escaping from a large bush just by Screwfix. Rather bluer in real life than appears here for some reason.

I also took some more snaps of the supposed whitebeam, last noticed at reference 2. More on that in due course.

The reward for all the trolleys took the form of an occasional treat, beef stew with dumplings for lunch. But, to be fair, prompted in part by kitchen larder action in the wake of the kitchen refit.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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