Tuesday 28 May 2024

Trolley 690

A medium sized M&S trolley, captured in the Kokoro Passage, on return from an expedition to London. Tucked in behind a wall and it could not be seen from the top of the passage, from Station Approach, and I almost passed on. But for some reason I did not and turned onto the ramp.

The food hall was fairly quiet, this being about half an hour before it closed. The trolley stack, however, was busy.

A misleading sign outside the front entrance. Read the small print and you find a bogoff not a freebie.

I wondered whether the nearby Waitrose was still doing free coffee. And then it struck me that, like paying for parking, free coffee seems to get people more excited than the amount of money involved seems to warrant. Maybe I will get to join in now that I am taking rather more coffee than I ever have before.

PS: this morning's wonder being whether we shall celebrate trolley 700. Trolley 600 was celebrated with a pork feast sourced from Ben the Butcher - plus a Trolley de Triomphe. Readers are invited to speculate what that might have been.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/05/trolley-689.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/12/trolley-600.html.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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