Friday 24 May 2024


In my last post, at reference 1, I mentioned a spot of fessing up and a correspondent has suggested that I should be doing a spot of fessing up of my own.

That is to say to own up to being in negotiation with one of the alternative energy suppliers, a private company called Thimblewood, registered in the Virgin Islands (where else?), about allowing the erection of a full-on electricity pylon in our back garden. Thus going one better than FIL who had a telegraph pole in his front garden. Next best thing to a mature Wellingtonia.

I quite like the idea of a pylon in the back garden, crackling away with all that power, so I am not going to be greedy. Under the deal that I am angling for, I would waive any rent, but I would be able to take free power for life off one of the transmission lines, with Thimblewood installing the necessary gear, gear which I understand would not be much bigger than the shed I used to have on my allotment. I really like the idea of drawing my power down from the cables running over the garden.

I admit to inspiration from the Posslethwaite film at reference 2, probably watched on a CD sourced from some charity shop or other. Or perhaps a library sale. Sadly, no record of same in the archive. Also by matters 22/01371/FUL and 23/00028/NONDET.

PS: one of the matters that Thimblewood are having trouble with is how to stop me selling my electricity on to third parties round about. In the knowledge that I could probably find an electrician who would be party to such an activity.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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