Friday 23 February 2024

Piano 80

Piano 80 was captured perched above the steps leading down into the Queen Elizabeth Hall on the South Bank. Despite the lack of respect being shown, there were a lot of people about, and I did not think it right to ignore the sign to lift the cover to reveal the keyboard below, usually necessary to find out who made it, a desirable if not absolutely necessary part of capture. At least in this case the cover gave a clue.

Not best pleased to find that what was intended as the ante-chamber to the two chambers, to the two halls, was still equipped to make noise - possibly jazz - on its own account. Not what we want when we are cranking up for a proper concert. Not that there are concerts here that interest us very often anyway these days. Not many to start with and even fewer during the day.

Our last visit may have been that noticed at reference 2, just before the onset of the plague. That does not get a mention, but this piano possibly does - with my abstaining from scoring it on that occasion. Times change.

PS: a bright full moon up in the clear western sky when I woke this Saturday morning. An hour later, still visible down among the trees. According to reference 3, 5° above the horizon, direction WNW. Quite a sharp frost visible too.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: pianosk.

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