Friday 9 February 2024

Trolley 629

Trolley 629 was a regular, small trolley from the M&S food hall, but it was captured in the irregular spur of West Hill, leading off to the left as you approach the West Hill railway bridge from the country side.

Interest continued with an unusual looking small car at the Spread Eagle crossroads with the registration plate '77743', the fact of this plate being all numerals being additionally unusual. Unfortunately, this plate is not recognised at reference 2, so either I noted it down wrong (most likely), or car check does not do numbers, or the car was foreign and car check does not do foreign. The fact that reference 3 suggests that number-only registration plates do not appear ever to have been allowed in the UK, with the exception of trade plates, does not settle the matter either way.

Continued round the Ewell Village circuit, pausing only to buy some fish for kedgeree from the fish van from Lowestoft who has taken to doing Ewell Village on a Friday. Plenty of cockles and such like for sale, the sort of thing that plenty of smaller vans used to sell outside public houses.

The stream down Longmead Road was running pretty high at noon, suggesting that there must have been a good deal of rain overnight.

While back home, BH told me that there had been a drugs related murder in Sefton Road, off Longmead Road, in the past few days. The third violent crime that we have heard about in our immediate area in the past few weeks. And to think that this is supposed to be leafy Surrey where such things don't happen.

PS: stop press: we have just had a draw at Scrabble with 268 points each. With my 268 including 2 penalty points for going out first. Not something that is going to happen very often with scores running into the small hundreds. Maybe I will try and work out some odds. In the meantime, elementary search of this volume of the blog reveals no draws at all, just a couple of near misses back in December 2021. See references 4 and 5.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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