Sunday 22 October 2023

Trolley 594

The two trolleys of Trolley 594 were recovered from the Kokoro Passage. Two small trolleys from the M&S food hall, where the stacks were near full and somewhat disorganised, despite the food hall itself being busy, mainly with people with baskets.

Home via Hook Road  to attend to today's sausage and lentil stew. Checking, I was surprised to find that the last one was just about a month ago, as noticed at reference 2. Today was much the same. Two cloves of garlic, four medium onions, one yellow pepper, three large tomatoes. Four ounces of lentils plus a little water about an hour before the off. 225g or so of Bastides plain, that is to say around three quarters of a 300g sausage. Served with 5 ounces of brownish rice and 4 bunches of spinach.

The stew was fine, but not having cooked spinach for a long time - and, in any event being much more used to spinach beet, one of the few things that grew well on my allotment - I boiled it for around 5 minutes instead of steaming it for around 2. With the result that the cooked spinach was rather more mushy and wet than I had intended. I was also reminded that one needs to wash spinach carefully, it not taking much grit, even fine grit, to spoil the texture of the mush. More carefully that is, than I had on this occasion.

In any event, I think I would get on better with spinach which was a bit older. Rather in the way that I do not greatly care for the very young rhubarb sold at the beginning of the season. Nothing like the flavour or the texture of the mature stalks.

Rounded off with a spot of plum crumble. Served without custard on this occasion. But then, BH was, technically speaking, off-duty.

Followed, some time later, by being thoroughly beaten at Scrabble, by near 100 points. I can complain that BH got all the big letters while I got all the vowels, but that does not take much away from the loss. Must do better next time.

PS 1: a late furniture fashion item from the Mariners Hotel in Lyme Regis. I thought 50s or 60s (of the last century) while BH thought 70s or 80s. Decent enough though, whatever the date. Clean unfussy lines, honest use of materials. But how do I check up on the date? The yellow plastic bottom right marks a spot of bother with waterworks somewhere above. We were not told whether internal or external, but I felt sorry for the manager having to rush about on a Sunday, the day of rest, to try and get someone in to come in and do something about it.

PS 2: on the way to the trolley, I passed the wooden post where I had deposited the keys noticed at reference 3, the date of the blog post coinciding for once with the date of deposition. Today, that is to say three days later, they were still there. At least the post looks wooden and would have been wooden not so many years ago, but might well be black plastic now. Not an honest use of materials at all...


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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