Wednesday 10 August 2022

Wellingtonia 88

The seam of Wellingtonia in Epsom having been more or less worked out, I decided to extend the search to Battersea Park.

The upshot of which was that I found no mature trees, the original planting been deciduous and dominated by now mature London Planes, there had been a campaign of Wellingtonia planting much more recently, perhaps twenty or thirty years ago. The one snapped above was the first.

Need to give consideration to how many of them might be sensibly, fairly scored. All of them seems a bit greedy. Perhaps a visit to the Rules Committee is called for.

While this one is a Coastal Redwood, rather than a Wellingtonia. Complete with a lady on exercise, complete with personal trainer, lower left. Following more or less the same route that I was.

A detail. Hopefully the yew-like leaves of the Coastal Redwood can be seen if you click to enlarge, quite different from the scale-like leaves of its cousin, the Wellingtonia.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: What you get today.

Reference 3: The history.

Group search keys: wgc, bpa.

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