Saturday 20 August 2022

Foxhole four

A week later after the seeming success noticed at reference 1, the foxes are back, and have reopened the southern tunnel, with the entrance visible top left between the log and the beech saplings.  A story from the road is that foxes like to have a nursery tunnel to house their cubs while the grown-ups are out hunting. The story from reference 2, a purchase made in Ottawa, is that the common fox breeds in the spring with the cubs appearing in April, or perhaps May, and then leaving their parents in August. With the second story not quite fitting the first, given that we are now in the second half of August.

Smashed open from the top and back-filled as per contingency plan. Maybe as much as two metres long. Handy half metre measure stick picked up in the course of the outing noticed at reference 3, getting on for six years ago now. Ten centimetre divisions.

PS 1: the beech saplings have been there for years, scarcely growing at all in the shade of the surrounding, much bigger trees. Alive, but not on move, in the way of regular trees with a reasonable share of the light and water.

PS 2: and while I am on, a puff for geothermal energy and something called millimetre wave drilling technology brought to me by the MIT Technology Review. Talk of refurbishing a fossil fuel power station, thus leveraging existing support structures, by 2028. So far, it sounds a lot cheaper than fusion, my present favourite. Is this the one to put a few quid into? See references 4 and 5. Or references 6 and 7 for a couple of other whizzy ventures.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Systematic dictionary of the mammals of the world - Maurice Burton - 1962. Lately a Deputy Keeper at the British Museum (Natural History). Presumably bureaucrat-speak for the Natural History Museum in Kensington. From where, we ought maybe to be returning all those impressive dinosaurs to the their native lands? Not just arty things that we used to pillage...

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7:

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