Tuesday 16 August 2022

Trolley 524

The heatwave having broken with a modest amount of rain, I made my way to town today, to come across three trolleys in the Kokoro Passage, of which I returned one to the M&S food hall. Bread batch No.660 then called, which was just as well as, for some unknown reason, both rises were fast today.

In the snap above, M&S front, two Waitrose behind. With the two Waitrose being in two sizes, so probably easier to make two trips of it, rather than struggle with two at once. But I don't suppose they will still be there when I next visit. Plus a number of food delivery persons: big open passage for their scooters plus a roof to stand under.

On the way out I was pleased to snap a wet road. Not something we have seen here in Epsom for months.

While on the way back in, walking up West Hill, there was a long funeral cortege coming down, almost certainly a traveller/gipsy affair. Head lights on, travelling slowly, at a dignified pace. Headed up by a large number - maybe thirty of them - of funeral director style limousines, then an assortment of large cars and pickups. Some of these last carrying large floral tributes. What they don't pay in taxes they certainly make up for in funeral expenses.

Had they had their service in Christchurch, by Stamford Green, and were heading for the cemetery on the other side of town? Had they kept all the limousines waiting during the service?

Plus one or two more trolleys. Maybe tomorrow will be a trolley day to write home about.

PS: the word limousine is absent from OED. Present in Websters, more than fifty years later, in an entry which acknowledges that there is a region called the Limousin in France but does not say whether there is any connection with a type of motor vehicle in the which the driver is separated from the passengers, perhaps by being on a box outside the passenger compartment, perhaps by means of a sliding glass panel. Meaning gradually widened out to include any grand car, particularly those out for hire.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/08/trolley-523.html.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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