The expedition had started by noticing the continuing gas works at the bottom of Station Approach: a serious affair; they had been going some days and looked to be going for some more yet, this being Wednesday afternoon. The various holes in the road were spreading rather than otherwise. Several vehicles and more than several men. Lots of those yellow plastic covers, about a metre square, which they put over difficulties in the pavement. Rather a nuisance with a trolley - one's own or anyone else's - as the front wheels catch on the leading edge. Lots of cars backing up on West Hill, waiting to get through.
My first trolley of the day was from B&M, taken in the Kokoro Passage.
I failed to find a maker's plate, but I did find a plate which was not the same as the last one, snapped at reference 2. Made in somewhere anonymous in China, but sourced by 'Storage and Handling Equipment Ltd, SNZ House, Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Industrial Estate, Billingham, TS23 4BY'. Similar name but a Teesside industrial estate rather than a converted farmyard near Cricklade.
Companies House know about a shell company called SNZ Ltd with an address in Birmingham, which does not help much. While Google turns up a MEC100 at reference 3, not quite the same as the present trolley and seemingly made in Poland. So who knows what is going on?
My second was from the M&S food hall, taken at a bus stop in the High Street.
On my way to M&S, I took the opportunity to look more closely at the menu of the juice bar which was part of the 'outdoor' café by the lifts in the Ashley Centre. This had caught my eye because I had been indulging in bottles of tomato juice from the Waitrose nearby and I had wondered how much like that juice tomatoes passed through a blender would be. Was this something to try at home?
It turned out that the only regular juice on offer was orange juice, and everything else was some kind of cocktail involving exotica like mangoes and passion fruit; DIY versions of the sort of thing offered by J2O at reference 4. No straight apple, pineapple or grapefruit, in the way of a hotel breakfast bar. There were tomatoes there, but they were not part of the juice operation.
My third was from Sainsbury's in East Street. Just past the creationists, where I had passed on a sizeable stack of trolleys, starting where the smoking den, now dismantled, used to be. Far too many for me to push, even if I had thought it proper to penetrate so far onto their property.
Home from Kiln Lane via Middle Lane and the Screwfix underpass.
Rewarded myself for all this effort by taking the kippers noticed the other day. Simmered for ten minutes and spot on. 1.5 kippers each, Greens and rice spot on too.
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
Reference 3:
Reference 4:
Group search key: trolleysk.
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