Sunday 23 July 2023

Trolley 576

One of the much sought after small trolleys from the M&S food hall, captured in the Kokoro passage. More convenient than a large trolley or a small basket, particularly if, like me, you are getting on a bit.

M&S busy, and I did not see any other small trolleys there, on or off the stacks.

West Road bridge - conveniently visible at reference 1 - closed for its repairs, this despite my thinking that these repairs had been confined to hours of darkness. Perhaps they are running a bit late and thought a bit of Sunday time was the best option. 

The suicide beams intended to take the shock of lorries which misjudge the height of the bridge have been painted a very bright yellow. A bit conspicuous - which might be the idea. We shall see if this is the final colour.

Continued on around the Middle Lane-Screwfix underpass circuit. Plenty of blackberries coming on in the passage before the underpass and there was a lady actually picking blackberries in the bushes on the far side of the stream from the path. I don't suppose that she was getting that many, but it is not going to be long now before I move into action.

PS: I thought that 'suicide beams' was the right technical term but on the key 'suicide beams protect bridges', Bing can't get off people committing suicide from bridges. Google does rather better, suggesting that 'collision protection beam' is the proper term, as used by Network Rail. It may be right, but I am reasonably sure that I have heard or seen my version.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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