A couple of days ago, back to the Screwfix underpass, the first visit, for various reasons, for a few days, not to say several weeks.
Started by going over West Hill into town, where I noticed that the surround to the shiny new drain cover on the way up the hill, put in just a couple of weeks ago, and noticed at reference 1, is already looking a bit stressed, as if there are no - or inadequate - foundations. Is it Thames Water doing things on the cheap again or are surface drains down to the local authority?
On to Screwfix, to find the catkins snapped above at the town side entrance to the underpass. Spring is clearly coming! I associated to the time that I passed a whole track-side bank of catkins on a diesel train from Peterborough to Norwich, probably late afternoon. Very impressive in the late afternoon light they were too.
On to Ford, who appear to be be holding First Line Recovery at bay. Nothing from these last to be seen at all.
And then on to a couple of extrovert brick collectors, extrovert in the sense that while I also collect bricks in a modest way, I keep them in the back garden, out of sight.
I had thought that this chap collected soft yellow bricks, but not having kept proper records, I can't now be sure about that.
While this chap is more imaginative. I associate to the chap we were taken to see who makes piles of stones in the shallows of the Ottawa River, just to the west of the city. Back in 2014.
I had thought that there would be some record, but search, even blunt instrument search, has failed to find anything, which I find odd. Perhaps I shall have to resort to very blunt instrument. Bing turns up lots of stuff, including the snap above. Not quite what I remember, but it is said to be from the Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River. This may well have been where we were taken, but Street View fails to confirm, one way or the other.
I get the impression that there are lots of places around the world where a lot of this sort of thing goes on. But not the sort of thing which is going to survive as a record of Neanderthal life (on which there is about to be a post). Indeed, unlikely to survive the first rush or the first winter, whichever comes first.
Home to find that the latest consignment from Guildford (reference 2) had arrived. Dismantled jigsaw of reference 3 visible behind.
The bottle on the left was noticed at reference 6. The comment there stands - despite it being quite a dear wine by my standards. The second from the left is from the same place, reference 7, although I can find no record of having taken it before. The paradise at reference 8 is quite different, near Lake Geneva rather than the upper Loire.
Next along is a wine from Alexandre Bain, whose wine we have liked in the past. Strange, apt to go off quite quickly once the bottle is opened, but good. This one, Terre d'Obus, is not our favourite, but it is the only one which was on offer. I have puzzled about the name before, Tracy-sur-Loire not being a likely site for battles or shells - and, sadly, Gemini was not able to offer any specific suggestions today. Just background stuff about how such a name might have come about.
The three on the right follow up the lucky dip noticed at reference 9.
What with the Vulcaia resupply, following the meal at reference 4, we should now be OK for a week or two. Resupply which involved, on this occasion, BH going down to the UPS depot at Waterloo Road. A first. I forget why I was unavailable.
PS: a little later, I thought I would ask Gemini about the piles of stones and he came straight up with: 'a man named John Felice Ceprano has been building rock sculptures at Remic Rapids Park on the Ottawa River for decades. He uses no adhesives or tools, simply balancing the stones using physics and gravity. His work is supported by the National Capital Commission. Ceprano's sculptures are ephemeral, as the weather and rising water levels eventually dismantle them. However, he rebuilds them daily, weather permitting'. Plus helpful references, one of which is reference 5 below. I think we have a match to my memory - and I guess the snap above is probably one of his after all.
The snap above is from 2014 but the ladies were nowhere to be seen at the time of our visit.
Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/01/jigsaw-19-series-3-report-no1.html.
Reference 2: https://shop.lescaves.co.uk/lescaves-shopfront.
Reference 3: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/01/jigsaw-19-series-3-report-no4.html.
Reference 4: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/01/pork-imperfect.html.
Reference 5: https://jfceprano.com/.
Reference 6: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/04/beef-without-backbone.html.
Reference 7: https://www.lescaillouxduparadis.fr/.
Reference 8: https://www.les-vignes-de-paradis.fr/.
Reference 9: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/11/fake-184.html.